"random album" mode gets stuck

Greg Woods greg at gregandeva.net
Tue Mar 4 19:32:57 UTC 2008

On Sun, 2008-03-02 at 09:04 -0700, Greg Woods wrote:
> if I am in "Random Album", "Repeat Off" mode, it goes along
> fine for a while, playing entire albums then jumping to a new random
> album, then eventually it will get stuck repeating the same album over
> and over again as though "Repeat Album" mode were on (but it isn't).

Amazing as it is to me, apparently nobody else has seen this. It's
amazing to me because I have this problem on every machine I've ever run
Amarok on. While I'd much rather find a way to fix the problem, I've
done the next best thing and written myself a dcop script that removes
the current track from the playlist, goes to the next track, and repeats
this until the album changes. Crude but effective:

curalbum=`dcop --user greg amarok player album`
while [ "`dcop --user greg amarok player album`" == "$curalbum" ]; do
   dcop --user greg amarok playlist removeCurrentTrack
   dcop --user greg amarok player next

I found that without the "--user" argument it wouldn't work even when
running as the same user.


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