Absolutely awesome plasmoid idea: the playlist itself
Seb Ruiz
ruiz at kde.org
Mon Dec 22 00:50:21 UTC 2008
2008/12/22 Jud Craft <craftjml at gmail.com>:
> I was messing around with the panes (just upgraded to Fedora 10 and
> Amarok 2) when I noticed the look of the UI after collapsing the
> playlist pane. And I thought...hmm...looks awesome. See attached.
> So here's the killer idea. Why not make the playlist itself a
> plasmoid? Then you can give the user the ability to arrange his music
> workspace any way he wants, without the feeling of an arbitrary "third
> pane" tacked on.
I must say, this certainly is an interesting idea. We should discuss
the pros/cons of this idea, as well as whether it aligns with the
direction that we want Amarok to take.
> Or better, take away all of the tabs on the left, and the collection
> itself. Instead, transform them all into plasmoid pages, and allow
> them to be easily flipped through. Allow the user to specify a
> plasmoid page layout he likes: two-pane-vertical/horizontal,
> three-pane-horizontal, or one+two-vertical-split. It also gets rid of
> the problem of having to manually render ugly vertical buttons. :)
> I suppose the result would be not unlike those Microsoft Visual IDEs,
> or Eclipse, where any pane of the UI can be dragged and docked to any
> other pane.
> I realize these ideas probably aren't great in and of themselves (what
> would you do for defaults? you'd need the playlist to be available in
> the plasmoid view from launch, probably) but I thought they'd be an
> interesting proposal for further refinement. I like the idea of the
> unified plasmoid view, since it puts all of the Amarok content under
> the same user interface metaphor.
> Sorry if someone's already come up with the idea; I don't believe it's
> been mentioned here, so I couldn't resist. :)
> PS: That thing where switching service tabs at the left automatically
> resets your custom pane arrangement is annoying.
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Seb Ruiz
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