Various Artists in Amarok 2.0

Stuart Neill stuart.neill at
Mon Dec 15 22:04:39 UTC 2008

On Monday 15 December 2008 20:51:04 Jud Craft wrote:
> Darn reply-to addresses.
> I'm not sure I understand.  Assuming you're listing by Artist, with a
> Various Artists group, and your list is "in the high hundreds"
> order for my suggestion to turn your collection list in the range of
> ~3000 artists or more, your number of total Artists in Various Artists
> would have to be many times higher than in the rest of your
> collection.
> Assuming your Various Artists has at least as many albums as your
> non-compilation albums, it might merely double your total artist
> count, but I'd suspect less than that due to overlap.  Even if there
> is no overlap, I wouldn't expect you to have nearly ten times many
> compilation artists as you do non-compilation artists.  That would be
> a very strange collection.  :)

Not so very strange but maybe "strangish" (perhaps others may wish to 
comment). I tend to have a lot of "Various Artist" albums with very little 
overlap in artists as I've taken an interest in the Genre. Recently, for 
example  an interest in the byways of "Psychedelic Rock" of the 1960's led me 
to purchase;

The Golden Age Of Electra Records
Love Is The Song We Sing
Nuggets II

That's  3 albums, 13 CD's with around 200 artists (of which I had primary 
albums by about 5). I think your assertion that an equal number of "Various 
Artist" albums would at most double the number of artists is an 
underestimation. The other thing I notice about my "Various Artist" albums is 
how often there is a collaboration or duet which will also lead to a separate 
entry in the collection browser.

It all adds up and its growing like Topsy. :-) 

Stuart Neill

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