[Patch] Dynamic Playlists: Change Text on "On"-Togglebutton to "Off" if deactivated

Andreas Mützel andreas.muetzel at gmx.net
Sun Aug 24 19:26:20 UTC 2008


yesterday I talked one of the amarok-developers at FrOScon (I can't remember 
the name, sorry...), because I have a little spare time and want to 
contribute to amarok.
One of two problems that seemed possible to fix for a beginner was the text 
that is shown on the button that enables and disables dynamic playlists. 
Currently it only shows "On", whether or not it is toggled.
The attached patch changes this, so the text is now "On", if dynamic playlists 
are activated and "Off", if they are deactivated. 
In my opinion, this makes it a little bit easier to realize whether the button 
is activated or not. Feel free to disagree ;-)
If I understood the dev at FrOScon correctly, you are currently in string- and 
feature-freeze, aren't you? If so: There is already an "Off"-string in 
ActionClasses.cpp, would the string-freeze nonetheless prevent my patch from 
being included in the current version of amarok? 
(see ActionClasses.cpp:339:    setItems( QStringList() << i18nc( "State, as in 
disabled", "Off" ) )
Attached is the output of "svn diff" in the "src"-directory of revision 

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