[Patch] Dynamic Playlists: Change Text on "On"-Togglebutton to "Off" if deactivated

Sven Krohlas sven at asbest-online.de
Mon Aug 25 11:23:13 UTC 2008


> yesterday I talked one of the amarok-developers at FrOScon (I can't remember 
> the name, sorry...), because I have a little spare time and want to 
> contribute to amarok.

That was me, but i'm doing mainly promotional work. :)

> If I understood the dev at FrOScon correctly, you are currently in string- and 
> feature-freeze, aren't you?


> If so: There is already an "Off"-string in 
> ActionClasses.cpp, would the string-freeze nonetheless prevent my patch from 
> being included in the current version of amarok? 
> (see ActionClasses.cpp:339:    setItems( QStringList() << i18nc( "State, as in 
> disabled", "Off" ) )

Well, I had to look it up, but in i18nc( "State, as in disabled", "Off" )
the translation for the string "Off" will be found by using the corresponding
text of the first parameter, "State, as in disabled". So simply using
i18n( "Off" ) results in a different string from the translators point of view.
So the patch as it is would break string freeze. But I guess using
i18nc( "State, as in disabled", "Off" ) here should be fine, too.


I hope none of our devs disagrees. ;-)

Can you create a patch with that change? Thanks. :)


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