patch for new feature: acoustic fingerprinting and audio similarity

Soren Harward stharward at
Tue Aug 12 04:04:39 UTC 2008

Attached is a patch (against SVN-832014) which adds acoustic
fingerprinting functionality to Amarok 2.  Unlike the new UniqueId
functionality, the acoustic fingerprints attempt to represent what a
track actually "sounds like", and two tracks which sound similar (eg,
are in the same genre of music, or from the same artist) will have
similar fingerprints.  This patch adds a new function to Meta::Track
which allows you to calculate how similar one track is to another, and
a new function to QueryMaker which permits filtering of results
according to how similar (or dissimilar) the results are to one or
more tracks.  I hope that other coders (eg, Daniel Jones and other
people working on dynamic playlists) can start taking the
similarity-calculation code and making it useful in the GUI.

Now the bad news: the patch includes a program called
"amarokfingerprinter" which calculates the fingerprint for a specified
file.  As of right now, it creates a randomly-generated fingerprint
that doesn't actually represent what the track sounds like.  I am
still working on the proper amarokfingerprinter, and I hope to have it
committed to SVN by early next week.  In the meantime, the
randomly-generated fingerprints will have to suffice.

Oh, and can someone approve my SVN commit account on the KDE
development site?  I filled out the application on a
couple hours ago.  Thanks.

Soren Harward
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