1.4.6 -- podcasts not downloading properly -- malformed xml or amarok bug?

Matt Price matt.price at utoronto.ca
Sat Jun 30 12:35:27 UTC 2007


i'm having trouble downloading most of the files from a podcast with
1.4.6.  the podcast xml is:

and amarok knows about all the files in the cast, but can neither play
them nor transfer them to my ipod.  when i go to 
~/.kde/share/apps/amarok/podcasts/Public Radio Exchange (PRX)/
i see the following:
$ ls
300flowers.jpg          HabitOfALifetime.jpg        Peter.jpg
AdalieAPlain.jpg        JerroldBennett300.jpg       prx_2007_0119.mp3
app300.jpg              Kathy300.jpg                RichardPluck.jpg
ChristopherSeufert.jpg  Kristi.jpg                  RobertBingham.jpg
Dave300.jpg             nounaandersson.jpg          SamChua.jpg
DJSPhoto.jpg            paquidermoTJScenes.jpg      soundsoflunch300.jpg
EricPetersen.jpg        PattiFlinsch-Rodriguez.jpg  TedJohnson.jpg

hmmm...  almost all jpeg files... what's up?  looking at the podcast
file, i see stanzas like this:
<title>Think Different. Ly.</title>
<category>public radio</category>
<description>This week we are so in love with our computers: it's
Think Different from Neille Ilel. Image by Eric Petersen. This piece was
originally produced for Weekend America and was edited by Jim Gates.
Listen now: download, subscribe, review....</description>
 <enclosure url="http://media.prx.org/Blog/EricPetersen.jpg"
length="13233" type="image/jpeg" />
length="2665776" type="audio/mpeg" />
<guid isPermaLink="false">448 at http://about.prx.org/</guid>
<itunes:category text="Public Radio"/>
<itunes:category text="Public Radio"/>

so, you can see that the jpeg "enclosure" is being downloaded but the
actual  mp3, from the line
length="2665776" type="audio/mpeg" />  is not.  what's up with this?  is
the xml for this podcast malformed, or is amarok not handling it right?
i.e., should i file a bug report, write a letter to the podcasters, or
just hit myself over the head with a brick a few times?  
anyway, thanks, matt

ps -- tried to resubscribe to the list but the server seems to be down
-- would appreciate a cc for the next day or so.  thx, matt

Matt Price
History Dept
University of Toronto
matt.price at utoronto.ca
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