Gapless playback

Paulo Vinícius Vitto Ruthes paulo.ruthes at
Sat Jun 30 21:53:39 UTC 2007


First just say that amarok keeps getting better and better. I'm really 
exptecting amarok2 and see the new vision in the interface.

Moving on, I might sound stupid here but how can I have a really gapless 
playback? I use xine as the backend and I have no crossfading enabled with a 
gap of 0ms. But it still gives me a fraction of second between songs. Am I 
wrong or wasn't it supposed to have NO gap at all?

Previously I thought it was because of my old computer but now I'm on a 
relative fast machine (X2 3800+, 1GB RAM) and it still happens.

Paulo Vinícius Vitto Ruthes
+55 41 9942 8123 - paulo.ruthes at
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