editable wiki style lyrics

Aleksander aleksander at krediidiinfo.ee
Tue Jul 10 19:15:16 UTC 2007


Been using amarok for quite some time now, thanks for the great app!

There's been one feature regarding the Lyrics in the Context tab I've 
been missing: Editable shared lyrics. I didn't find any mentions of this 
in the amarok wiki.

I don't know if there already exist any, but at least there should exist 
wiki like lyrics sites which would have more info associated with the 
text than just "Artist" and "Song" in one string.

The idea is to be able to edit Lyrics on the fly from Amarok and have 
them updated to the site too, so that others would see my additions and 

The site should record more information because some songs have a bit 
different lyrics depending on the album. Quite often the order of verses 
sung is different. And why rely on Amazon for the covers, this wiki 
could include these as well and easily distinguish between Limited 
Editions etc!

Well, the site should have a http API for Amarok to use then and allow 
anonymous contributers.

A quick search right now gave me lyricwiki.org (mediawiki based), maybe 
there are others too. Maybe the people at lyricwiki.org would be 
interested in this project?

Please reply if you find this kind of functionality interesting, have 
some technical details (Is it plausible? Would an amarok plugin suffice? 
etc) or are even willing to do something about this. In short: RFC.

I'm not much of a programmer myself but could still look into this and 
surely I could contact lyricwiki.org and/or others.

If this could make Amarok 2.0 it would be just awesome.

Thanks for your time,

Aleksander Kamenik
system administrator
+372 6659 649
aleksander at krediidiinfo.ee

Krediidiinfo AS

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