SAMSUNG YP-U3J QW/XET (VER 1.08 EU) and UDEV and Amarok

Aleksander Kamenik aleksander at
Sat Dec 22 18:58:31 UTC 2007

Mag. Leonhard Landrock wrote:

> 7.) I tried to manually add my Samsung Media Player to Amarok. I said type 
> = "Generic media player", name = "YP-U3J" and mountpoint 
> = "/dev/libmtp-YP-U3J". That far it works. But I can't make any use of my 

I've never used media devices with amarok, but I can say that 
"/dev/libmtp-YP-U3J" is not a mountpoint. It's the blockdevice. Maybe 
this'll help track down the problem.

Aleksander Kamenik
system administrator
+372 6659 649
aleksander at

Krediidiinfo AS

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