[Feedback] Thoughts on simplifying things

Jeff Mitchell kde-dev at emailgoeshere.com
Thu Aug 23 10:50:39 UTC 2007

phinnvr6 at gmail.com wrote:
> 2) When I made a new Collection and I want to just play that collection I
> can't. I first have to load them (somehow) into a new playlist and play
> them from there.  However there is no 1 click way to do this. The only way
> I have seen is to goto Playlist and there is an automatic "playall" tab
> down there.  So I right click and click "Load" however this NEVER seems to
> work. It loads the entire playlist on the right pain but then when I click
> on a song I get some error like "Local file does not exist."
> This whole design just makes no sense. My girlfriend using it always just
> seems to go back to the decade old XMMS I have installed and just uses
> that. I really can't blame her, its so simple and easy to use but so damn
> outdated.

Have you tried clicking the "Collection" tab on the left?  All your 
music should be sitting right there ready to go, and you shouldn't have 
to futz around with playlists at all if you don't want to.  If it's not, 
you're hitting some sort of problem -- but if the Smart Playlists are 
working, the collection seems to be working too.


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