Amarok 2 Mockup

Miles Lane miles.lane at
Wed Sep 13 22:30:10 UTC 2006

On 9/13/06, Max Howell <max.howell at> wrote:
> I was struck by some inspiration of late, so I made a mockup, which is
> somewhat a culmination of mine, and other people's ideas at k3m and things.
> May I suggest, view the mockup fullscreen so my colour scheme doesn't
> clash with yours. Kuickshow can do this if you push Enter.
> In a way I regret the web-2.0-esque toolbar as it detracts from the main
> point, which is the narrow playlist design so that the context browser
> can become central and key.
> Personally, I like the web-2.0-esque toolbar as it looks cool and
> differentiates, but tellingly, my gf hated it, so maybe I did it wrong
> or am just delusional.

FWIW, I think it looks great.  Also, I gotta say that amaroK rules.
It's the only reason I have a lot of KDE packages installed on Ubuntu.
I build from SVN, so I can enable AAC/MP4 support (I like to listen
to my music files encoded using iTunes, and don't know of any distro's
that currently ship with that installed (FC Rawhide and Ubuntu


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