
Gleb Litvjak blaster999 at
Mon Oct 2 16:31:04 UTC 2006

On Monday 02 October 2006 17:31, Paul Stear wrote:
> Hi,
> Sorry to bother you but I am missing the use of musicbrainz in amarok 1.4.0
> using kde 3.5.2 on an amd64 platform.
> When will we get it back?
> If it's a question of testing I would like to volunteer my services (as a
> user).
> kind regards
> Paul

I guess you're using Gentoo. If that's the case, then I know a solution.

There's a security vulnerability in libtunepimp, so it's hardmasked, and 
amarok ebuild disables the support for musicbrainz. If you really need 
musicbrainz support, follow these steps. You nned to add the "musicbrainz" 
portage overlay (as described here: Then install 
libtunepimp-0.5, make a symlink /usr/lib64/ that points 
to /usr/lib64/, copy the amarok ebuild to your local overlay 
(let's assume it's /usr/local/portage, so 
copy /usr/portage/media-sound/amarok dir to /usr/local/portage/media-sound/), 
and edit it. Change 



$(use_with musicbrainz)

then do "ebuild amarok-1.4.3-r1.ebuild digest" (while you're in 
the /usr/local/portage/media-sound/amarok dir) and emerge amarok.

See the gentoo docs on how to create an overlay (the gentoo wiki is a good 

I hope that helps.


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