[Port KF5] Why we get so many segfault...

Olivier Churlaud olivier at churlaud.com
Tue Oct 20 17:14:19 UTC 2015


I found why we get so many nasty segfault...

Several methods of Qt4 (which were virtual) are now (with Qt5) pure 
virtual, meaning that they are defined like:
         virtual void myfunction( ...args...) = 0 ;

Therefore calling them produces a segfault...

IMO, we should first comment them with, before the line
         #pragma message("PORTKF5: X lines here")
so that at compilation time we can easily find what still needs to be 

After that, we'll have to either remove the lines or reimplement them.

Cheers & Have fun!

Engineer Student at Ecole Centrale de Lyon
in Dual Degree at TU Berlin, M.Sc. Elektrotechnik
@: olivier at churlaud.com
tel: +49 (0)1575-2931348
in:  http://linkedin.com/in/olivierchurlaud
web: http://olivier.churlaud.com

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