Welcome to our SoK students Abhinandan and Vedant

Myriam Schweingruber myriam at kde.org
Tue Sep 3 19:03:03 UTC 2013

Hi Abhinandan, Hi Vedant,

welcome to the Season of KDE for Amarok :)

An important request first: could you both hang out in #amarok on
irc.freenode.net, please? If you do not have a good bandwidth and/or
stable connection, please make a request for a BNC account at
https://sysadmin.kde.org/tickets/ in the IRC section, so you can
follow the discussions more easily. That would also avoid the
joining/parting and channel flooding when your connection drops.

Code discussions should be done on this mailing list mostly so we are
sure all team members see the ongoing work, even if not online or busy
with work at the moment of the discussion. Code review is of course
done in http://reviewboard.kde.org

Speaking about actual development, we suggest you create a long-lived
git branch (call it sok) some time before the coding period for your
SoK work, publish & backup it using personal Amarok clone on KDE
infrastructure and submit regular diffs as review requests.
Eeverything mentioned is covered in detail on

Note that merging from master into sok is highly discouraged and even
rebasing on top of master should be first discussed with your mentor.
You can assume that your SoK work will end up in Amarok in commit
tags/ChangeLog entries.

I presume you both already have read the documentation in the HACKING
folder of the Amarok source, if not, now would be a very good time :)

Our wiki should also have quite some information:
http://community.kde.org/Amarok If you come across outdated
information and you happen to have the newer one, please make sure to
update the wiki.

Mark and I had some discussions about your proposals this afternoon
and he has a proposal to make to slightly change your work plans, at
least for one of you. But I will leave it to him to give you more

Regards, Myriam

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