Regarding GSOC project

Abhay Sombanshi abhaysombanshi92 at
Tue Apr 16 05:35:33 UTC 2013

I hung around the amarok mailing list for a few days. I've downloaded
amarok from git and compiled it.
I am focused to work upon the project "re-implementation of
Amarok1.4/i-Tunes import on top of statistics synchronization", in
particular I would love to apply for GSoC as well.

So far i've understood Amarok statsyncing framework and how i-tunes stores
its metadata.

I have worked on Qt-Creator, and have basic understanding of git and some
understanding of multi-threading, as well.
My current knowledge subset pertains to C++, databases(SQL)

But as dived a little deep into the code of amarok, I got a bit perturbed
in understanding the function of some classes.
As there are few days left and I want to work specifically upon this
project, how should i proceed with the code ?

Someone suggested me to solve bugs.
Would it be a good option to start solving a bug and get a little
familiarity with the code ?
If yes, then please suggest me a junior job which I can take up.

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