Review Request: New dynamic bias

Ralf Engels ralf-engels at
Tue Feb 22 20:42:24 CET 2011

On Di, 2011-02-22 at 00:32 +0300, Peter C. Ndikuwera wrote:
> The reason I tried this branch is because I really really want dynamic
> playlists that work. And that I can come back to in 3 months and still
> understand what they do!
> I can't really answer the "dumb it down" question. What I wonder is
> what scenarios does the current approach fulfil that the simple
> interface (not necessarily functionality) of 1.4 couldn't? That would
> help me give more constructive input on the dynamicplaylist branch.
> For example, I want a playlist with songs before 2000 that are longer
> than 2 minutes in length. I could do this with four or five clicks in
> 1.4. Maybe I'm dumb, but I've failed to do that with either approach
> to dynamic playlists.
> Thanks.
> P.

Hi Peter,
what you have described are queries that you can do from the collection
search bar.
So you have AND, OR, NOT and meta queries.

I want a playlist that is half filled with songs....
Actually we already have the problem here. How can you say: half and
half in the search bar?

Also conditions that do not rely on a meta tag (e.g. a song is in the
echo nest similar artist list) or are position dependent (e.g. the next
track from a different artist. Or from a similar one) fall flat.

Peter, did you try out the branch?
Please do, and play a little bit around.


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