Fingerprinting ... was Re: Thanks for MusicBrainz patch

Stefan Derkits stefan at
Tue Oct 5 18:46:11 CEST 2010

Hash: SHA1

> Yes, probably libofa is not actively maintained (last changes where
> made in March of this year) , but It doesn't mean that It doesn't
> work. And according to this is the only solution used
> by MusicBrainz. Yes, may be lastfm Fingerprinting better (i don't
> know), but in case of using It in MusicBrainz tagger system we get
> ugly puffed code, where one part of tagger uses one system, other part
> - another system. More then that MB tagger would be depend on lastfm
> service implementation, because of user authentication problem, so If
> you don't have lastfm subscription, then you may sit and relax 'cos
> you also don't have track identification system.

Of course I didn't mean to use liblastfm Fingerprinting with MusicBrainz
Tagging System (even though it does for some Songs return MBIDs), but
with the API, where you submit the Fingerprint and it returns a
FingerprintID & XML encoded Metadata (Artist, Album, ...).
It also knows some Songs (did see it with at least one Song today) where
the MB Tagger doesn't return a good Result.
But after giving all of this a second Thought, I must admit that for
tagging Songs, having both Solutions available is probably not so bad,
because maybe knows some Songs that MB doesn't and vice-versa
(even though after a small tryout I must admit that found Songs
that MB didn't find or where MB returned wrong Information, at least on
around 5 Songs).
But the Databse of course should only store one FingerprintID, which one
is a thing of carefull

Track Identification is available without a Subscription, try
out the Example Application in liblastfm.

And libofa was last changed in September 2007 (upload Date that you can
see here: ) and
the SVN is completly empty ... so I call that more then "not
maintained", I would call it abandoned.

@Sergey: Btw, a small Bugreport ... when I update the Tags via MB and
then have the new Tags in TagDialog and then click on Save & Close, the
Collection View doesn't update and it still shows something under e.g.
"Unknown Artist". Is it only me having this Bug or can you confirm and
fix it? :)

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