skip icons

Kevin Funk krf at
Sun Feb 28 13:13:51 CET 2010

Sunday 28 February 2010, Mark Kretschmann <kretschmann at>:
> On Wed, Feb 24, 2010 at 5:17 PM, Thomas Lübking <thomas.luebking at> 
> > the vertical bar of the skip icon clashing the round outer icons
> > (playpause/volume) is a visual error. (period. it might be considerd
> > required, but visually it's plain wrong. dont argue ;-P )
> Thomas, on a slightly related note:
> The "Ban" and "Skip" buttons are dangerously close together.
> Clicking the wrong one is basically a destructive action (banning), so
> I would recommend that we add some more space between them.

Thomas, on a another slightly related note:
The icons are overlapping the current track metadata if you're using Amarok 
with a small width.

Another note:
Could you make it show only the current track metadata if there's not enough 
room to show prev/next tracks' metadata?
Next/Prev buttons should stay, of course.


Kevin Funk

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