About the toolbar discussion

Thomas Lübking thomas.luebking at web.de
Fri Feb 12 19:04:23 CET 2010

Am Friday 12 February 2010 schrieb Jeff Mitchell:

> Any thoughts about a "hidden" button that changes color when they mouse
> over? i.e. when they mouse over the text a blue "button" fades in from
> the grey.
Though i don't object this and most "plain" toolbuttons work this way, it 
probably had hardly any advance over the present changing of the strings 
color/alpha directly :-(

The problem rather seems to be the initial detection, not a hover feedback.

Notice that we should not:
- have "solid" buttons magically dis/appear
- cross distinct buttons with the labels (on transition)
- change the decoration with the string length. (Looks jumpy, text is more 
fluid than a "brick")

A visual drawback of "normal" buttons are the additional (esp. horizontal) 
lines - in our case clashing with the slider.

Thus we need a solution 
- with weak lower boundings
- covering the entire width, with weak inner border as well

Based upon this is a semi-mock (horribly inefficient implementation ;-)

This way we'd initally fool the user towards the label "buttons" which would 
not really react as expected when being pushed. (thus allowing dragging and 
trans animations)

This also implicitly sets away the menubar from the toolbar, thus we might 
(should) skip the general gradient.

At this stage however, it doesn't really fit the timeslider :-\
(we should maybe have another brght gloss there for the progress to stress it 
against the new bar)

-> Happy bashing :)

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