New toolbar navigation

Thomas Lübking thomas.luebking at
Mon Feb 8 17:18:56 CET 2010

Am Monday 08 February 2010 schrieb Mark Kretschmann:

> 1)
> Thomas, some of us Amarok devs prefer reading concise mails. You have
I'm Sorry.

"Short" summerizing thoughts regarding this:
- Yes it's different. Yes you have to adapt to it. But the player icon system 
has been then. (And the playbutton has a tooltip...)

- Showing hints about the adjacent tracks,
   ° prevent you from looking them up in the playlist
   ° does not lie about the behaviour in random mode ("what you click is what 
you get")
  ° this way (can) immediately hint you the playmode

- Prefixing "Next Track: " can often end up like "Next Track: The H ...", 
rendering the label hints useless

- Such prefixes do not make the label "more clickable"

- While such explicit description can be helpfull in the beginning, it's 
superflous afterwards.

- Even if you could not determine the nature by their position, that doesn't 
matter (on clicking), as you'll get _this_ track regardless of it's "inner 

- Regarding the "clickability":
   ° if we made them appear like "Text only Toolbuttons" (what'd be natural) 
the /unhovered/ look would not differ for any major UI style

   -> I suggest to hint this using the label while not playing (like a 
translucent "[Next]")

> 2)
> can we please try to go with Enrico's very simple proposal first? 
If we don't use some kind of watermark icon*, transitional animation 
and dragging needs to be removed/disabled.
Enrico agreed on this.

If however this is not used**, we can provide real "buttonesque" shapes to 
hint clickability and nature.

*See the screenshot attached to my first reply on this thread.
** Those were however things that came up immediately after the first mock in 
this direction as well as during the merge request.


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