New toolbar navigation

Thomas Lübking thomas.luebking at
Mon Feb 8 00:38:02 CET 2010

Am Monday 08 February 2010 schrieb Seb Ruiz:
> 1. How do I navigate to the next and prev track? 
Known issue. Here comes a shot. 
Happy bashing :-)

sorry, but the sunken gradient worked especially _not_ with the oxygen style
(adn most other styles offer options or fixed toolbar gradients/plates anyway)  

> this can be really
> confusing; since the text cycles between the various metadata that is
> available. 
Cycling is meant to provide extra info (as the "Title" tag can be as useless 
as "Allegro")
I agree that whether things like year and the genre need to remain is 
debatable ;-)

> 2. Clicking on the metadata has various inconsistencies. 
Replace "various" by "a" or name more ;-P

> Clicking on the current track labels  filters the collection browser by the 
current text that you've clicked.
> What is the rationale behind this functionality?
The filtering is mainly a relict from when you could "easily" select the 
current item with the mousewheel (now changes volume)
I simply thought it would be nice to easily filter for all entries of this 
artist, genre or whatever.
A better usage might in fact be to jump to the song in the playlist

> 3. The text cycles very slowly when the mouse is not hovering, but
> very quickly when the mouse moves over the labels. This means that
> clicking on these labels is a bit useless, since they change so
> quickly when I see something I want to click.
see above.
> 4. The text labels have useless information: why show the year and track
>  number?
see above.
the track number should not be part of the list, but there's some heuristic to 
break down the information from the filename in case the tune has not tags. in 
fact a delimited track number will then be part of it... :-\

> 5. Changing the volume precisely with a mouse press is very difficult.
> It seems to jump everywhere even with a few pixels of movement.
Technically it's just a QDial (only override painting is overridden)
Does it behave different from normal dials for you?

> Cheers

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