Strings without context "One word translation used in the collection filter"

Ralf Engels ralf.engels at
Mon Dec 6 12:12:17 CET 2010

On 12/05/2010 10:55 PM, ext Alexander Potashev wrote:
> Hi,
> The method "shortI18nForField" in
> amarok/src/core/meta/support/MetaConstants.cpp seems to always return
> a string without spaces. If so, why are there a couple of strings
> without context string "One word translation used in the collection
> filter"?
> Here: (lines 146-147)
>      case 0:                    return i18nc("The field name in case
> nothing specific is selected e.g. in the automatic playlist
> generator", "anything");
>      case Meta::valUrl:         return i18nc( "The name of the file
> this track is stored in", "filename" );
Seems that those three strings were missed.
They still need to have only one word.

It's one day after the string freeze, could we still add the context 
strings to them?


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