Suggestion: UI keyword in subjects.

Jeff Mitchell mitchell at
Tue Aug 3 13:39:43 CEST 2010

On 08/02/2010 03:12 AM, Mark Kretschmann wrote:
> On Sat, Jul 31, 2010 at 5:25 PM, Thomas Pfeiffer <colomar at> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I don't know if I'm the only one who is mainly interested in the User
>> Interface/Interaction part of Amarok development and doesn't understand much
>> of the technical stuff.
>> But for me and others like me it would make sense to agree on some keyword in
>> all UI-related mails to the list. That way if I don't have much time I can
>> just scan (or search) for mails containing the keyword in order to save time
>> without risking to miss any mails I might want to comment on.
>> Of course keywords could also be used for other topics that concern a specific
>> group among the subscribers more than others.
>> I would suggest [UI] as a keyword for User Interaction/Interface related
>> mails.
>> Of course the downside is that people might miss other mails that would be
>> interesting for them even though they are not related to the topic they're
>> most interested in. But the current situation often causes at least me to not
>> read any mails on the list at all when time is short, since most of the mails
>> are rather technical anyway. With the keyword established, I would read only
>> UI mails then but manually scan through all mails when I have more time.
>> What do you think of the idea?
> Sure, I don't see a problem with doing it. Sometimes we might forget
> about adding the keyword, especially when a conversation gradually
> shifts to UI related topics over the course of several mails, but
> generally we could try to do this.

I also think this is a good idea.

And speaking of which -- I know you saw my email in the release plan
thread -- can you look at the volume icon?


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