Suggestion: UI keyword in subjects.

Mark Kretschmann kretschmann at
Mon Aug 2 09:12:58 CEST 2010

On Sat, Jul 31, 2010 at 5:25 PM, Thomas Pfeiffer <colomar at> wrote:
> Hi,
> I don't know if I'm the only one who is mainly interested in the User
> Interface/Interaction part of Amarok development and doesn't understand much
> of the technical stuff.
> But for me and others like me it would make sense to agree on some keyword in
> all UI-related mails to the list. That way if I don't have much time I can
> just scan (or search) for mails containing the keyword in order to save time
> without risking to miss any mails I might want to comment on.
> Of course keywords could also be used for other topics that concern a specific
> group among the subscribers more than others.
> I would suggest [UI] as a keyword for User Interaction/Interface related
> mails.
> Of course the downside is that people might miss other mails that would be
> interesting for them even though they are not related to the topic they're
> most interested in. But the current situation often causes at least me to not
> read any mails on the list at all when time is short, since most of the mails
> are rather technical anyway. With the keyword established, I would read only
> UI mails then but manually scan through all mails when I have more time.
> What do you think of the idea?

Sure, I don't see a problem with doing it. Sometimes we might forget
about adding the keyword, especially when a conversation gradually
shifts to UI related topics over the course of several mails, but
generally we could try to do this.

Mark Kretschmann
Amarok Developer
Fellow of the Free Software Foundation Europe -

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