Removal of inline playlists controls

Artur Szymiec artur.szymiec at
Sun Sep 6 19:35:02 CEST 2009

Dnia 2009-09-06, nie o godzinie 15:55 +0200, Nikolaj Hald Nielsen pisze:

> If this is how things will be done in Amarok in the future, I am going
> to have to seriously reconsider my involvement, as it is just not
> worth the aggregation to get sidelined like this.
> - Nikolaj
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Greetings !

I want to put my 5 cents to this discussion.
I'm quite newbie here but it looks for me that there is a lack of
communication between developers.

For instance some time ago Seb requested to me change method names in
equalizer code.
I've said ok - then suddenly before I was able do do so I found out that
somebody fixed it already - 
however another part of the code wasn't changed and from that point one
fragment of code was broken
and not working. Having just simple information like "Ok - i've fixed it
since commit xxxxx" would make me happy,
cause I can be sure that this work was done and I don't need to work on
it anymore and also I can see how
it was fixed if I'm interested in.

Of course anybody can correct it, change it, fix it or removed it -
that's my understanding how development
team should work and I don't claim that this piece of code is my and get
your hands far from it - absolutely not.
Just a bit more of informations what is going on.

This example of Nikolaj case just pointed me out that maybe, just maybe
there's not so much discussion inside
a team and moreover IMHO I don't think so that the IRC meetings that are
not announced to the rest of the development team
and not scheduled ahead are useful. 
Such case can lead to situation when meeting is attended only by one or
two developers
while all others doesn't even know about such event, and things are
getting nasty in the style pointed out by me predecessors
in this discussion - where MR.A propose a change,removal whatever , MR.B
says OK and rest of the team is not aware it.

So my +10 to improve the communication inside the team.

Best regards


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