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Dnia 2009-09-06, nie o godzinie 15:55 +0200, Nikolaj Hald Nielsen pisze:
If this is how things will be done in Amarok in the future, I am going
to have to seriously reconsider my involvement, as it is just not
worth the aggregation to get sidelined like this.
- Nikolaj
Amarok-devel mailing list
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Greetings !<BR>
I want to put my 5 cents to this discussion.<BR>
I'm quite newbie here but it looks for me that there is a lack of communication between developers.<BR>
For instance some time ago Seb requested to me change method names in equalizer code.<BR>
I've said ok - then suddenly before I was able do do so I found out that somebody fixed it already - <BR>
however another part of the code wasn't changed and from that point one fragment of code was broken<BR>
and not working. Having just simple information like "Ok - i've fixed it since commit xxxxx" would make me happy,<BR>
cause I can be sure that this work was done and I don't need to work on it anymore and also I can see how<BR>
it was fixed if I'm interested in.<BR>
Of course anybody can correct it, change it, fix it or removed it - that's my understanding how development<BR>
team should work and I don't claim that this piece of code is my and get your hands far from it - absolutely not.<BR>
Just a bit more of informations what is going on.<BR>
This example of Nikolaj case just pointed me out that maybe, just maybe there's not so much discussion inside<BR>
a team and moreover IMHO I don't think so that the IRC meetings that are not announced to the rest of the development team<BR>
and not scheduled ahead are useful. <BR>
Such case can lead to situation when meeting is attended only by one or two developers<BR>
while all others doesn't even know about such event, and things are getting nasty in the style pointed out by me predecessors<BR>
in this discussion - where MR.A propose a change,removal whatever , MR.B says OK and rest of the team is not aware it.<BR>
So my +10 to improve the communication inside the team.<BR>
Best regards<BR>
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