SqlCollectionLocation::startNextJob() not properly copying files patch

Casey Jones jonescaseyb at gmail.com
Tue Oct 6 06:47:14 CEST 2009


I found a bug when I used the Organize Files option in the Collection
browser.  When I tried organizing my files by Album, it copied a file out of
each directory and moved it to the collection root and renamed it to what
the new folder should have been.  I found that
SqlCollectionLocation::startNextJob wasn't creating the directory because it
was trying to make the collection root folder, which already existed instead
of the Album folder in the collection root.

Also, I created a new variable; KUrl finalDest, which is dest + the name of
the file to copy.  My suspicion is that Kio::copy_file works like the cp
command and needs the name of the file to copy, and not just the directory
to put it in.

The patch is attached.

Casey Jones
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