[Amarok] Move Playlist Layout config from toolbar to main m

Mark Kretschmann kretschmann at kde.org
Sun Nov 22 13:56:46 CET 2009

On Sun, Nov 22, 2009 at 1:51 PM, Nikolaj Hald Nielsen
<nhnfreespirit at gmail.com> wrote:
> Ok, here is my take on this.
> It seems that everyone on the team has really strong, and very
> different, opinions on which stuff is useful to have in the playlist
> toolbar and which is fine sitting in the menu. I don't think it is
> unfair to expect that if we are so divided on this issue then so is
> our user base. And yes, perhaps an option is something you add when
> you cannot agree on one way that will work for all, but I think we
> have proven to ourselves that there simply is no one way that will
> make all of us happy.
> Hence I think the thing to do in this case to finally bury this issue
> once and for all, wooden stake through the heart and all, is to make
> this damn toolbar configurable. Lets use a Dolphin approach with just
> the very basic stuff in there by default, have everything present in
> the playlist menu, and then provide a Dolphin like interface for
> adding/removing/moving stuff in the toolbar. I even seem to remember
> Teo and Seb agreeing on this as an acceptable solution last time this
> issue was raised.
> I am fine with the layout stuff not being there by default as it is
> not something I expect new users to care a great deal about, but for
> those that use it, having it easily available in the toolbar is quite
> important in my opinion.
> Personally I could not care less about undo/redo and show current
> track being in the toolbar as I never use these :-)

Thanks, just one thing that I'd like to explain that makes a difference here:

Clear, Undo, Redo, Show Active Track - these are all actions, directly
related with the playlist. They definitely belong in the toolbar if
only for this reason.

Layout configuration however is a setting (which also contains some
actions, making it a bit of both). But it's more of a setting. This is
why it's unlike all the other icons in the playlist toolbar, it makes
it special.

Mark Kretschmann
Amarok Developer
Fellow of the Free Software Foundation Europe
www.kde.org - amarok.kde.org - www.fsfe.org

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