AW: [Amarok] Try to fix layout resizing logic once more.

Daniel Dewald Daniel.Dewald at
Wed Nov 11 13:37:12 CET 2009

I think what we should do at this point is CALM DOWN. There is absolutely no
use in throwing stuff at each other. In my opinion Lydia is doing an amazing
jog. Especially because release manager is one of the most unthankful jobs
in the "business". Everybody is angry with you because you're not doing what
he/she wants. As far as I has seen it in IRC and on the mailing list the
only dev who really was asking for more time till tagging was Mark. He may
have been right or not but that doesn't really matter IMHO because the bug
isn't THAT tragic is it? A layout bug? Sure it'll bug the users a bit but
Amarok won't will not crash because of this and it still plays music.
Releasing a bug free software is simply impossible (even a release without
critical bugs). So tagging now was the right thing to do I guess (I wouldn't
even have delayed the tagging because user are more annoyed by delayed
releases then by barely visible bugs.


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