[Amarok] Try to fix layout resizing logic once more.

Nikolaj Hald Nielsen nhnfreespirit at gmail.com
Wed Nov 11 10:24:40 CET 2009

> This patch failed. Needs more work (just so you know).
> On another note, I have been saying for days that we need more time.
> Our release manager promptly ignored this. Now the shit hits the fan.

Oh, so its "gloves of" time again. Ok...

The main issue as I see it is that we were plain _WRONG_ to start
working on this issue 1 week before scheduled tagging. A big technical
investigation like this should lie at the very beginning of one of the
release cycles with plenty of time for testing and fixes. I tried to
do one quick fix which showed some promise (on some systems...) but
obviously had many serious issues still. The correct thing to do then
would have been to just revert that and leave it for the next release.
Not perfect, but at least it would not introduce more issue than what
was already there for 2.2.0. This is also why I sent you this as a
patch to look at and did not push it to master.

> So, dear release manager, please don't ignore what core developers
> say. They happen to have some deep insight into the state of the code
> base. Or else we might just need a new release manager. It's not
> exactly rocket science.

Maybe its not rocket science but it sure as hell is a lot of tedious
work that some people seem to severely undervalue. Sometimes I am
amazed that Lydia has stuck around with all the crap that you throw at
her. As for getting anew release manager, I don't think anyone in the
team could do a better job than what Lydia is consistently doing and a
few who would get a definite vote of no confidence for this position
from me.

- Nikolaj

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