UI for Eqs

Artur Szymiec artur.szymiec at gmail.com
Mon Jul 20 23:34:22 CEST 2009

2009/7/20 Ian Monroe <ian at monroe.nu>

> Nikolaj has made screenshots of Artur's UI for the eq:
> http://nhnfreespirit.kollide.net/pics/amarok%20eq%201.png
> http://nhnfreespirit.kollide.net/pics/amarok%20eq%201.png

The second screenshoot is:

> To me it looks fine, Nikolaj isn't so sure. But really neither of us
> use the equalizer so have little basis to form an opinion, thus this
> email. Personally I think presets are kind of a sham, probably
> invented by cheap stereo manufacturers to make up for their lack of a
> real eq. But then again people want it, and who I am to question the
> people. ;)

So maybe let include it as it is in git and announce it so people can build
and test it ?

> GIS found this screenie of 1.4 for comparison:
> http://ze.phyr.us/facta/picturae/autoEQ.png

So would you like to keep this look from 1.4 ? (I can add such graph below
sliders in current implementation)

> And I can't find a screenie of my graphic equalizer that I wrote back
> in 2005 and probably only Leinir remembers what I'm talking about. But
> I thought it was cool. ;)
> Ian
If it look cool I would like to see it :))) Maybe I'll like it and wish to
port it ?



PS. I will include this patch tommorow in my git clone.
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