Equalizer support in Amarok - patch

Artur Szymiec artur.szymiec at gmail.com
Mon Jul 20 10:58:43 CEST 2009


a small update regarding issue with audio distortion and sound
differences between audacious original
equalizer and my implementation for phonon xine backend:

- the bug has been fixed in phonon trunk svn (as of revision r999575).
- the sound is now 99.999% same like in audacious with the same
equalizer settings (compared byte by byte output for same wave input
  (the remaining 0.001 is that decoding engine is different then xine
and that at present phonon kequalizer doesn't support dithering -
whatever I'll add it
   or now it's not clear now).

Hope that somebody with a good hearing (not me certainly :))) will find
time to tune the presets to match current equalizer characteristic.

So happy testing ;)


> Current issues:
> - equalizer presets where imported from previous Amarok series with
> small adjustments to prevent clipping noise
> - because equalizer code in phonon is quite different from that in
> xine lib in 1.4 series we need to find a good default presets that
> doesn't cause a clipping - any volunteers ?
>   (Actually the code is adopted from audacious player - the reason why
> in Audacious clipping doesn't occur with pretty much same setting for
> same
>    audio clip is under my investigation. Whatever it can be resolved
> I'm not sure about it - there are so many differences between xine and
> audacious starting
>    from different decoder code to internal data handling format - int
> vs float).

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