Organize Collection yet again

Mark Kretschmann kretschmann at
Thu Dec 10 14:38:11 CET 2009

On Thu, Dec 10, 2009 at 2:29 PM, Magnus Bergmark
<magnus.bergmark at> wrote:
> I just received a message from my ex. She accidently destroyed a lot of her
> collection by using the Organize Collection dialog. She was just exploring
> the app, like any regular user should be able to do, and saw that dialog.
> Since it looked like some kind of settings dialog to her, and she wasn't
> interested in setting that up, she pressed "OK" to close it. I'm so happy
> she knows about the kill command, because otherwise she would have lost her
> entire collection.
> Someone should really do something about this soon. Add a confirmation with
> big fat letters, make the button not enabled until something is touched,
> present a tutorial or rename "OK" to "Move and rename all files", etc.
> Something. I agree that it looks like a harmless settings dialog at first
> glance, and a slight glance at a dialog shouldn't be able to delete all your
> precious music.
> I know this has been discussed before, but was a consensus ever reached?

For this reason we had removed the feature for 2.2.1. It's still
reachable at some place (that I forgot about), but you can't access it
directly any more from the collection.

And yes: We should fix that up ASAP ;)

Mark Kretschmann
Amarok Developer
Fellow of the Free Software Foundation Europe - -

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