Proposal: Author status for Teo Mrnjavac and Alejandro Wainzinger

Seb Ruiz ruiz at
Sat Aug 22 11:06:30 CEST 2009

2009/8/22 Nikolaj Hald Nielsen <nhnfreespirit at>:
> I propose that we add Teo and Alejandro to the list of Amarok authors.
> Both have been with us for a while now and have completed 2 large
> projects. I believe that both will be important members of the Amarok
> team for a long time to come.

Yes, as do I.

> Also, it has been quite a long time since we added new authors.

Please don't use this as a justification for adding authors. This is
an entirely bogus reason.

> Reasons for suggesting Teo:
> - Did not get accepted to GSoC last year but still completeld his project.
> - Initially the quality of code and community interaction was not
> great, but this has improved immensely since.
> - Helped me out by getting a major rewrite of the playlist layout
> editor done in time for 2.1 when I did not have time.
> - Has worked his butt of this GSoC to make the playlist in 2.2 the
> coolest most configurable ever, and has cleaned up the structure of
> the playlist code while doing so.
> - Has already moves on to (and pretty much implemented) a project of
> his own design that I think will prove very significant, namely
> OpenDesktop integration in the "About" dialog. I think this is very
> cool and find it very likely that other apps will start using this
> code.
> - Has attended Akademy in 2008 and helped me man the booth at
> OpensouceDays in Copenhagen last year,

Whilst the above are all true, I think that Teo still has a lot to
learn about our community. I find that at times he can be abrasive
with other team members and doesn't take criticism well. Whilst he is
a good coder and is creating, Teo needs to learn about playing as a
team member and developing software not by himself but rather with
others. He has obviously done this significantly with you, Nikolaj but
I haven't really seen him form any significantly strong bonds with
other community members. Teo should be commended on the improvement on
his code quality and development skills since he first started
committing to the project last year. He needs to remember, that with a
good natural ability comes stubbornness, and with stubbornness comes
arrogance (and eventually complacency).

I support Teo as a member of our team, however would like to see some
improvements in his community and people categories before
recommending him to be promoted to author.

> Reasons for suggesting Alejandro:
> - Has been accepted for and has completed 2 important GSoC projects.
> - Has stuck around and contributed code outside of GSoC.
> - Has attended Akademy twice.
> ( obviously I have worked more closely with Teo, but I definitely
> think Alejandro deserves author status as well)

Alejandro, like Teo, is also a good candidate. He bonds well with
other members of the community and integrates well all round. However
for Alex, I feel that he still needs to make more of a commitment to
the Amarok project by working on the code when not motivated by money
- both large code contribution stints that Alex has made have been
GSoC related. I would like to see Alex more involved in the Amarok
project on a day to day basis.

Over all, I would like to see a more consistent dedication to the
project from both candidates before they are promoted to the Author
status. They are both definitely on the right track and could see them
improving rapidly if this is what they want.

Best regards (especially to both nominees),

ps - these are my personal thoughts and obviously do not reflect that
of the "Amarok project". If anybody feels that I am being too harsh,
or that we have not judged previous candidates with such scrutiny,
please voice your thoughts.

pps - of course, you should still voice your opinion if you feel that
you have something important to say.

Seb Ruiz

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