Running Unit Tests

Ian Monroe ian.monroe at
Wed Aug 5 09:57:31 CEST 2009

On Wed, Aug 5, 2009 at 2:42 AM, Sven Krohlas<sven at> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Heya,
>> Is there no way to run amarok --test in it's own sandbox mode? Or
>> perhaps trigger tests by calling `make tests` instead?
> Currently not.
> We could maybe set up some kind of build bot on a webserver,
> updating and builing after each checkin and running the tests
> afterwards. Then a small website showing the results.
> Maybe even on different platforms and distributions (using
> some virtual machines).
> With that we could get notified automatically when breakage
> occurs.

Not on the web server, but now that its easy to run post-update
commands with git, it would be cool to run a bunch of this sort of
stuff (unit tests, Krazy) automatically.

We just need to find a server that has plenty of CPU cycles to spare
(Jeff, Ade or some random person?)


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