Monty, MySQL, and an end to the packaging nightmare

Jeff Mitchell mitchell at
Tue Apr 28 13:49:50 CEST 2009

Modestas Vainius wrote:
> Hello,
> On 2009 m. April 26 d., Sunday 22:04:04 Jeff Mitchell wrote:
>> According to him, packaging it should basically be just like packaging
>> mysql, so existing packages should pretty much work (except that he'll
>> fix the various packaging bugs).  Also the API is exactly identical, so
>> we wouldn't have to modify any code.
> Packaging is NOT just packing binaries or source in a nice package. It is also 
> about dealing with bugs, providing security support, supporing users and even 
> fixing bugs. MySQL is a beast and a nightmare to support by itself. So is this 
> Monty MySQL branch supposed to become mainstream MySQL? Otherwise I don't want 
> to see Amarok pushing exotic mysql flavour (regardless how awesome it is).

The Monty branch is a branch of MySQL that includes the Maria storage
backend and uses it by default.  As far as I can tell it is regularly
synced with upstream sources.

Maria is going to be included in mainline MySQL as well (but later).  Or
at least, it was.  Not sure what the Oracle acquisition means for it,
but I would guess it means either 'nothing' (MySQL is still on track to
include Maria) or 'Monty branch is going to become default MySQL that
everyone uses'.

Either way, Maria shouldn't be a reason that you don't tell us what
troubles you saw with packaging libmysqld, because he wants to see the
fixes he creates get pushed upstream back to MySQL proper (he doesn't
have the explicit power to do so, but I would think they would accept
major bug fixes from him).

There *is* another possibility in that if he really wants it to be able
to replace SQLite for a lot of projects, he could make it so that the
sources can be embedded in other projects, like SQLite is done with tons
of projects.  We used to do it with SQLite ourselves, and stopped when
the SQLite versions in most distros was new enough to not cause
problems.  We could consider doing it again -- especially if the
buildsystem can be tweaked such that you can only import sources for
libmysqld and the Maria backend and only build those, so that it's
relatively lightweight.  (Probably a discussion for amarok-devel, and
not amarok-packagers, so if people have a thought on this that's
probably the place to reply.)


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