Monty, MySQL, and an end to the packaging nightmare

Modestas Vainius modestas at
Mon Apr 27 22:04:52 CEST 2009


On 2009 m. April 26 d., Sunday 22:04:04 Jeff Mitchell wrote:
> According to him, packaging it should basically be just like packaging
> mysql, so existing packages should pretty much work (except that he'll
> fix the various packaging bugs).  Also the API is exactly identical, so
> we wouldn't have to modify any code.
Packaging is NOT just packing binaries or source in a nice package. It is also 
about dealing with bugs, providing security support, supporing users and even 
fixing bugs. MySQL is a beast and a nightmare to support by itself. So is this 
Monty MySQL branch supposed to become mainstream MySQL? Otherwise I don't want 
to see Amarok pushing exotic mysql flavour (regardless how awesome it is).

Modestas Vainius <modestas at>
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