Rescan & Update Confusion Was: Re: Reorganizing files/directoriesand refreshing external changes

Gregory Meyer greg at
Mon Aug 25 15:16:54 CEST 2008

One of the things that always worried me before I fully understood is the potential for loss of user created data, e.g., statistics and ratings during a rebuild.

So in a sense, you aren't rebuilding the collection, just re-reading the tags of all the files in the collection folder.  And then in a rescan, you are only reading the tags of files that say they have changes.

Capturing the nuance of these two functions in one word each would be nice.  How about Build: Read the tags of all files in the collection foldern and Update: Scan collection folders for changes

------Original Message------
From: Sven Krohlas
To: amarok-devel at
ReplyTo: amarok-devel at
Sent: Aug 25, 2008 8:28 AM
Subject: Re: Rescan & Update Confusion Was: Re: Reorganizing files/directoriesand refreshing external changes


> Hmmm if someone can come up with better words for those menus that
> would be good I think.

"Rebuild Collection" would be much better than "Rescan", I'd say, because
for an "update" we also need to do a "rescan" of all folders in the col-
For "Update Collection" I'd suggest "Find changes in Collection". But if
someone had a shorter wording saying the same...

> But moving it to the config is a no-go imho. It would need more effort
> to get there and it clearly belongs together with "update collection".


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Greg Meyer
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