
Maximilian Kossick maximilian.kossick at googlemail.com
Sat Aug 2 16:47:04 CEST 2008

On Sat, Aug 2, 2008 at 4:17 PM, Jeff Mitchell <kde-dev at emailgoeshere.com> wrote:
> On Saturday 02 August 2008, Maximilian Kossick wrote:
>> Regarding Jeff's commit: what's the use case for those changes to
>> QueryMaker? If you have a uidUrl already, simply call
>> CollectionManager::trackForUrl and it will give you the right track if
>> available? And I do not see any reasons for querying for a list of
>> uidUrls.
> I was getting sqlite errors from the dynamic playlist stuff.  As it turns out,
> it's because I put a uniqueid field in a list of fields that, if you don't
> want to query for UniqueId stuff, won't matter.  (It was late, I was tired,
> and it made sense at the time).
> So I guess one question is, is there a reason you wouldn't want to query for
> unique ids?  Or would it be better to add later if/when that occurs?

I do not think there's a reason to query for unique ids, or to match a
unique id. If you use QueryMaker, you are interested in Meta objects.
You'll have to read the unique id for a track from the database when
creating that track, so the join is required. But that's an
implementation detail of SqlQueryMaker.

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