Styling ContextView boxes

Dan Leinir Turthra Jensen admin at
Tue Jun 26 23:05:19 CEST 2007

Tuesday 26 June 2007 skrev Leo Franchi:
> hey all,
>     In the transition ContextBrowser -> ContextView we have left behind
> (thankfully) KHTML. That also of course means that we leave behind easy
> styling via CSS. In any case, it seems advisable to leave the custom CSS
> behind as it would be a mess to implement in the CV (and speed is a major
> win that the QGV has over the old KHTML engine). So the question remains:
> what/how do we want to allow customization of text inside items in the
> contextview?
> obviously people like to have customized applications---that is made
> evident by the wealth of themes available on
> . it would be greatly beneficial IMHO to find a balance between
> speed/code cleanliness while letting the user have some control over
> the general look of Amarok. after all, the CV will be front and center
> in Amarok
> 2.0.
> leo

  Well, one thing we could consider would be using the Qt4 support for 
stylesheets... though that would allow for theming the entire application, i 
have a feeling that it would appease a considerable amount of very vocal 
people regarding that part of the program. How much and how little we would 
wish to allow for in the context browser can be discussed, of course, but the 
syntax of CSS is one which is well known - we just need to keep a proper 
description file for it, so people are not confused what parts are themable 
and which are not :)

..Dan // Leinir..

"A Vast Swimmer Keeps No Pets"
 - Saemus Z. Harper, Andromeda 1:14

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