Non-windows stuff to do

Shane King kde at
Tue Dec 11 00:13:54 CET 2007

Saro Engels wrote:
> hm, the problem has another issue: maintaining the stuff we did - 
> currently the kde on windows part isn't that big, so we can hardly 
> support kde correctly - it would even get worse if we had to support 
> some other libraries as well (though we definitely could tie this 
> backend pretty much to kde). I am pretty sure that the user base on 
> windows will grow really fast and that we might attract new (windows) 
> developers really soon - but until then we should wait.

Agreed. I'm reluctant to add in support for media devices that nobody 
can maintain. Sure I can compile the libraries but when the first bug 
comes in I can't do anything about it. Buggy support is worse than no 
support IMO, as it makes the program look bad. If that means Amarok 
doesn't support some devices under windows that it does under linux so 
be it.

> Btw.: Shane: I want to make an amarok single install package soon, but 
> amarok misbehaves with some strange error:
> Fatal ASSERT: kDebug has problems with the Function name.

Yeah, phonon doesn't seem to be happy with mingw at the moment. I'm 
trying to figure out what the problem is.

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