Non-windows stuff to do

Jeff Mitchell kde-dev at
Tue Dec 11 04:13:57 CET 2007

Shane King wrote:
> Saro Engels wrote:
>> hm, the problem has another issue: maintaining the stuff we did - 
>> currently the kde on windows part isn't that big, so we can hardly 
>> support kde correctly - it would even get worse if we had to support 
>> some other libraries as well (though we definitely could tie this 
>> backend pretty much to kde). I am pretty sure that the user base on 
>> windows will grow really fast and that we might attract new (windows) 
>> developers really soon - but until then we should wait.
> Agreed. I'm reluctant to add in support for media devices that nobody 
> can maintain. Sure I can compile the libraries but when the first bug 
> comes in I can't do anything about it. Buggy support is worse than no 
> support IMO, as it makes the program look bad. If that means Amarok 
> doesn't support some devices under windows that it does under linux so 
> be it.
I'm actually totally in agreement.  I think we'll get some Windows
talent that will want to help us out once we get it to a state on
Windows where it's easy to develop.  It's not a priority for me either. 
Was just something I mentioned, you know, if you had some spare cycles.


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