bodega-server: temporary suspension of integration branch

Aaron J. Seigo aseigo at
Wed May 29 08:31:24 UTC 2013


this is a heads-up to everyone that i've merged all the in-integration 
branches in bodega-server into master and am in the process of merging a few 
others directly into master. they are fully unit tested branches and the 
changes are both required ASAP and impact each other.

while we will continue developing in branches (and doing fully unit tested 
devel, of course), for at least this week to facilitate the swift completion 
of the asset and store management and stats feature sets i will be merging 
branches directly into master.

the reason for this is that the branches are not only getting large, they are 
overlapping and we need to merge down and re-branch for new stages of feature 
development while under a very tight time schedule to get this completed.

cheers ...

Aaron J. Seigo
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