Calligra Active 2.7 beta repo for Plasma Active on available

Friedrich W. H. Kossebau kossebau at
Tue May 28 19:06:42 UTC 2013

Hi Activists,

as you might know I am trying to do proper packaging of Calligra Active for 
Plasma Active on the OBS of the wonderful Mer project, so everyone can easily 
try what there currently is in Calligra Active (no time to get into 
development here myself, just providing packaging service, to also gain 
experience/feedback as packager on how to improve the Calligra buildsystem).

While Maurice so far has quickly merged any of my stable Calligra release 
updates for kde:devel:ux (thanks!), with 2.6.4 as latest now, I have started 
to also try to package the 2.7 Betas, with the new productset feature and some 
slightly changed packaging. I also started to package libwps/libwpg/libwps, so 
the import filter for Wordperfect and MS Works can be build. 

>From what I know and see not much has changed between 2.7 and 2.6, so still 
much room for ideas and especially implementation :)

Please give that repo a try and see how things work for you. The Wordperfect 
filter seems to work fine, but with the Works import filter I get crashes, 
still need to find out why that is. 


and do

zypper ar	
zypper up calligra calligra-active

(or similar, cannot remember exactly as I experimented too much, update needs 
to be enforced due to package (name) changes)

Running calligraactive from the commandline shows some warning/errors, which 
someone of the Calligra Active devs ideally should give a look. You can do 
that easily now by using the repo and updating ;)

Next update of the 2.7Beta repo planned with the next Beta or on a fix to the 
Works import crashes before.


PS: Any hints for better packaging welcome, I am still more a beginner here

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