Plasma Active on Acer Iconia W700?

C smaug42 at
Sun Jul 28 12:42:45 UTC 2013

On Sun, Jul 28, 2013 at 1:42 PM, Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
> On Sunday, July 28, 2013 13:34:59 C wrote:
>> So, has anyone encountered anything like this? Any ideas what is going
>> wrong here?  Any extra info I can provide to try and figure this out?
> the Kubuntu packages are not properly formed. all of the things you are seeing
> are due to the plasma-mobile-config package not being installed and/or those
> configurations not being used on top of the system config.
> the settings in plasma-mobile-config need to be added to the system and used
> when logging into a PA session.
> this will be easier in Plasma Workspaces 2 where these settings become part of
> the shell package .. until then, packages need to do some extra work.
> i would suggest either improving the kubuntu package or else using Mer.

Aha, so it's not necessarily something I'm doing.

I just tried Mer (from the basysKom download center linked from the
Wiki) and... didn't get very far.

 - The stable image shows the boot menu, I pick Boot MeeGo. It starts
the rest of the boot process and then the tablet just switches off
(about 2 seconds into the boot sequence).  No chance to even look for
an error message, it never gets as far as loading the installer or the
LiveKDE session.

 - The testing isos (all of them, Development and Testing) all boot up
and land on the emergency shell.  USB isn't working at this point, so
I have no keyboard control (can't go poke things to see what's wrong).
 Network isn't up, so I can't ssh to it either.

Other isos.. like the one from open-slx are from almost a year ago...
so I haven't tried them. The tablet works better on 3.8 kernel and

I know Linux in general works on the tablet.  I've installed openSUSE
12.3 and Factory (13.1), as well as various Ubuntus and derivatives.
The only thing I haven't gotten working on generic Linux installs is
the BlueTooth keyboard.... and Plasma-Active.


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