Bug-fixing "real-life" sprint?

Marco Martin notmart at gmail.com
Mon Jan 21 11:27:47 UTC 2013

On Monday 21 January 2013, Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
> On Monday, January 21, 2013 10:42:09 Marco Martin wrote:
> > If all the parts (kdepim, nepomuk, random applications) are interested,
> > yes, i would like it, but that's pretty much a precondition.
> agreed; at which point i wonder if this would not make a reasonable target
> for Akademy since people will already be there. we'd just need to ensure
> that we get a day or two of time scheduled (before akademy starts! :) with
> these people.

yeah, at akademy would work since the interested people would be there 
one possible problem is that here too much things at the same time always 
happen, so becomes difficult to keep enough people locked in the same kind of 
thing for enough time, like at least two days.
what about literally before akademy starts? like one/two days before, in the 
same location (unfortunately having the agm been moved the day before akademy 
makes it harder tough)

> this means after PA4, but even a sprint with these people can't be pulled
> together in such a tight time frame.

yep, in order to have something in q1 it would have to have been prepped at 
least starting from october/november

Marco Martin

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