Contour daemon and recommendations

Sebastian Trüg trueg at
Wed Nov 16 13:13:36 UTC 2011

On 11/11/2011 12:54 PM, Sebastian Kügler wrote:
> On Friday, November 11, 2011 12:45:21 Ivan Čukić wrote:
>>> Could be hooked into the history mechanism then (history records a page
>>> as visited if it has been open for at least 30 seconds). Would mean
>>> moving the entire history into Nepomuk as well (it's saved in the config
>>> file right now, rather basic).
>> If we go for 2, then yes. I'd be worried to search the history when
>> the user is typing the url in that case... although if it is a config
>> file thing now - i don't think it would be slower than parsing a text
>> flie :)
> Right now, I'm keeping the history in memory (QList<QPair<QString, QString>>, 
> roughly), and only update it when the browser visits a new page (append, 
> possibly ditch oldest entry), or when the config on disk changes (full reload 
> of the list). Do the math. :)
>>> I haven't found a suitable ontology for a webpage in the history though
>>> (for Bookmarks, it exists). Any ideas?
>> There is no Webpage unfortunately. Seems [1] we ought to use
>> HTMLDocument...
>> [1]

Well, we have nfo:WebDataObject and nfo:WebPage. But the nfo:WebPage is
more of a container which contains a bunch of html pages and images and
so on. Thus, I am still not 100% sure on what to use when bookmarking
the classical way.
However, the definition of nfo:WebDataObject implies that you annotate
the thing you get from the web server. And that is an HTMLPage.


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