getting images together for 1.0

Aaron J. Seigo aseigo at
Tue Aug 30 16:11:23 UTC 2011

On Tuesday, August 30, 2011 15:07:06 Marco Martin wrote:
> a very important thing for 1.0 is the final demo image since the project
> mostly will be judged from the finished, ready to run system.

yes; and in that vein i think we need to shift from thinking "demo" to 
thinking "product". we can include a set of demo configurations that people 
doing demos can put on their tablet. but the defaults ought to be for actual 
usage for our users .

>    * kdeplasma-addons: recent fixes to the on screen keyboard contained
> there

yes; so we need to either start packaging master of plasma-addons or a package 
of just the keyboard. the fixes i've been doing in there over the last week 
are highly significant as they are based on feedback of people who have been 
using it during demos.

> * konsole: now konsole master supports on screen keyboard

yep, and that's in the packages now, so this is good.

> * Default applications: the application launcher should show only around a
> page of apps, all of good quality, even if not all of them "touch version",
> a common list of what should end up there should be done

agreed. this is something we can get together on irc for once we get closer to 
release day imho.

related: the Active Browser, Active Image Viewer, etc. names need to change 
imho. just Web Browser, Image Viewer, etc. should be good enough. the user 
doesn't care that they are "Active", no?
> * Demo data: also the demo data, preinstalled photos, pdfs, files to demo
> the device capabilities should be already installed, do demo it as easily
> as possible and should look the same as much as possible (so a storyline
> for a demo should be agreed upon?)

yes, and this should be a separate thing from the default packages. the 
easiest thing would be a separate package in the plasma active repo that a 
demo person can install.
> * platform specific problems/gripes: there are still some problems that
> happens only on one of the two, like no multitouch for suse, no network
> management, weird behaving touch events and outdated opengl on meego..
> some of those probably is possible to fix some other will have to stay

perhaps we should focus on our own issues first and go after the deeper 
integration problems across the OS once we've run out of things to clean up in 
our own code.

some additional thoughts on technical needs:

* the launch feedback must become a KWin effect
* the locker screen must also become a KWin effect
* changes to libplasmaclock in master of kde-workspace are needed
* default panel layout needs adjusting (status icons on the left, clock in the 
center, SLC on the right)
* we need a roadmap for the recommendations feature being polished
* we need more backends for SLC

on soft needs:

* a welcome video that walks the user through using their tablet (i'm drafting 
a script for that; will share when complete)

* a demo script; i'd like to base at least the first draft on the demos i've 
been doing since i know they are effective and flow well. i've done them at 
BBQs, at restaurants, in elevators (literally the elevator pitch!), at LUGs, 
at conference booths, from the stage during presentations ... i've got a 
fairly reasonable flow and specific wording selections. i've also started on 
this draft and will share when it reaches "draft 1"

i'm tempted to go into website needs, corporate support information, etc, but 
that may all be far too ambitous for an October drop date when we already have 
lots on our plate as is.

Aaron J. Seigo
humru othro a kohnu se
GPG Fingerprint: 8B8B 2209 0C6F 7C47 B1EA  EE75 D6B7 2EB1 A7F1 DB43

KDE core developer sponsored by Qt Development Frameworks
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