getting images together for 1.0

Marco Martin notmart at
Tue Aug 30 13:07:06 UTC 2011

Hi all,
a very important thing for 1.0 is the final demo image since the project 
mostly will be judged from the finished, ready to run system.

this means getting in shape both of the two reference systems we have, the 
opensuse and the meego one.

a thing that is really important, is them to looks as synced as possible, i 
made a little list of things that seem more or less urgent to me:

* same default configuration: Sebasian now did put all the different default 
configuration compared to a stock kde in the git server, in plasma-
mobile/config: this should be used by both systems i thnk

* be up to date with bugfixes: meego automatically updates some packages: 
kdelibs,runtime, plasma-mobile, contour and share-like-connect with hudson, 
other important pieces are: 
   * kdeplasma-addons: recent fixes to the on screen keyboard contained there
   * konsole: now konsole master supports on screen keyboard
   * workspace: some fixes to nepomuk runner/tasks dataengine, on meego kwin 
probably should not be updated yet, since it still have compositing with 
xrender since meego 1.2 has a very old opengl version
   * declarative-plasmoids: this repo should probably be in the default 
installation for both systems

* Default applications: the application launcher should show only around a 
page of apps, all of good quality, even if not all of them "touch version", a 
common list of what should end up there should be done

* Demo data: also the demo data, preinstalled photos, pdfs, files to demo the 
device capabilities should be already installed, do demo it as easily as 
possible and should look the same as much as possible (so a storyline for a 
demo should be agreed upon?)

* platform specific problems/gripes: there are still some problems that 
happens only on one of the two, like no multitouch for suse, no network 
management, weird behaving touch events and outdated opengl on meego..
some of those probably is possible to fix some other will have to stay

other things that come to mind deployment wise? what is more/less urgent?

Marco Martin

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